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Chabé, a commited actor in the ecological challenges of the automotive industry

5 juin 2023
Chabé, a commited actor in the ecological challenges of the automotive industry

World Environment Day* is the opportunity for the Group to reaffirm its commitment and look back at its latest environmental advances. Electrifying its fleet, raising employee awareness, discover how Chabé has reinforced its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) since 2019.



“We are observing that more and more clients want to travel by environmentally friendly transport“, explained Guillaume Connan, current CEO during an interview in 2022. The many transportation made by Chabé clients make them a powerful lever for reducing CO2 emissions. Starting the transition towards a greener fleet with the deployment of electric vehicles became a priority.

In 2022, Chabé becomes the first French company to take delivery of the EQV, as well as the BMW i7 and Mercedes EQE vehicles, all fully electric.
Today, in addition to a young fleet, with an average age of 18 months, low carbon vehicles (electric, hybrid and hydrogen) represent 52% of the Group’s total fleet, compared with 27% in 2020. This evolution of the Chabé fleet has led to adjustments in terms of infrastructure, with the installation of 13 charging stations, including 4 dual charging stations, as well as an ultra-fast charging stations.

The ambition of a 100% electric fleet may take several years. This is why, in the meantime, the family business wanted to contribute to offsetting its CO2 emissions by financing projects to reduce other emissions and to carry out carbon sequestration. It is in this context that the partnership with the GoodPlanet Foundation and Chabé was born.



In this challenge to achieve carbon neutrality, in 2021 the Group joined forces with the GoodPlanet Foundation. The foundation’s main missions are to develop solidarity field projects, raise awareness and helping companies and institutions, always in this environmental dimension.

Through its contribution, Chabé has played a part in the household waste recovery in Cameroon, Togo and Madagascar, the diffusion of solar cookers in Bolivia and the development of new projects Developing Countries (DC) and Least Developed Countries (LDC). These concrete projects have generated positive results, which is a real source of pride for Chabé.

Following this event, the family business makes its commitment concrete by recruiting a new employee dedicated exclusively to its environmental ambitions.



Chabé is continuing its momentum and in 2021 recruits Flora Chaise, the Group’s CSR Manager.

« Creating a full-time CSR manager position in a medium-sized company is already a strong signal. My role is to bring more structure and follow-up to Chabé’s CSR approach. » explains Flora Chaise. The arrival of a new employee specialising in CSR is synonymous with change for the family business. « First of all, we are going to carry out a carbon assessment to better understand Chabé’s major challenges, and establish an action plan based on the results obtained. » adds Flora.

First carbon assessment

In 2021, Chabé realises its first carbon assessment to evaluate the impact of its activity over the years 2020 and 2021. The aim is to define an action plan to reduce the most significant impacts as a priority.

The Group wants to demonstrate its commitment, not only by monitoring indicators, but also by revisiting its identity, with the creation of a raison d’être.

Definition of a raison d’être

Confirming its commitment to CSR was essential, this is why, in 2022, Chabé reworked its raison d’être:


« To be an essential but invisible actor of a desirable mobility,
committed to an inclusive society and a sustainable world »


This raison d’être has been developed with Chabé’s employees and shareholders in order to share the Group’s vision and role in our society. This redefinition of its identity also defines a line of conduct for the most important decisions.

Finally, it is essential to underline that Chabé’s environmental commitment is not limited to its fleet of vehicles.



Eco-driving and Waste management

All our chauffeurs are trained in eco-driving encouraging smoother driving that helps reduce CO2 emissions. All of our teams implement the recycling of consumables wherever possible, including ink cartridges, washing water, water bottles, etc. In addition, Chabé has innovated by replacing the water bottles made available to its passengers with new, unlabeled Evian bottles, a first in France. These 40cl bottles are made entirely from recycled material and 100% recyclable.

European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW)

In 2022, Chabé took part in the European Sustainable Development Week, a global event aimed at raising awareness among its employees through various objectives. The family business focused on employees’s awarness by offering them challenges linked to the environmental protection. This initiative confirms Chabé’s position as a responsible employer.



This year, 2023, marks a turning point in the Group’s CSR certification by Ecovadis, a worldwide provider of business sustainability ratings which assesses the sustainability performance.
Chabé has been awarded the silver medal with an overall score of 61 points out of 100, compared with the bronze medal in 2021, placing it in the top 25% of best-performing companies in all business sectors. This achievement underlines Chabé’s progress in CSR performance.



This retrospective marks the constant evolution of Chabé’s CSR commitment. The CSR policy is a real opportunity to create value and give a profound meaning to all the Group’s stakeholders.
The Group’s CSR strategy goes beyond environmental considerations. Chabé is committed to adopt a responsible employer policy, offering long term employment, with 84% of employees on permanent contracts, and investing in their development and career progression through training. The vision is to welcome, recognise and promote all talents in a spirit of inclusion and diversity.

Chabé has a global vision of CSR strategy, driven by an unwavering determination to make a lasting impact.


* Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world.